Savings in a dream are a symbol of a dream of wealth or an expression of a meticulous approach to one's finances. A dream about savings may suggest that you are worried about your financial situation or that you still lack money for current expenses. This type of dream can sometimes indicate the need to financially secure yourself for the future, it is a reminder of the need to take greater care of your finances. It can also warn you against the unnecessary squandering of money.

What does it mean to dream about Savings?
Your savings in dreams augur that life will teach you that you should start putting money aside regularly for a rainy day because you never know what else will happen in your life.
When you dream about small savings, then it augurs that someone will persuade you to spend senselessly, making your wallet suffer greatly. It may take you a long time to rebuild your old capital, but remember that he who does not try, does not gain.
When you dream that you have sizable savings it is a sign that you will not make any progress in improving your financial situation.
Savings in the account seen in dreams are a harbinger of cyclical investments that will bring you big profits.
A dream about someone else's savings is an omen that you will start to worry more and more about your finances. Perhaps you should be more thrifty, so you will start to realize more of your plans than you have assumed so far.
Spending your savings in a dream is a sign that your financial reserves will shrink by mindlessly squandering money on unnecessary things. You will quickly learn that there is no such thing as money that cannot be spent. If you come to your senses early enough, you may someday come out on top again.